Ideal Height Weight Chart For Men and Women in India

Gynaecologist and Obstetrician | 14 min read

Ideal Height Weight Chart For Men and Women in India

Dr. Rita Goel

Medically reviewed by


A height weight chart outlines the average height weight for men and the average height weight for women in India. It serves as a guide so you can manage your weight and keep health conditions like diabetes at bay.

Key Takeaways

  1. Height weight chart tells your ideal weight according to height
  2. It is based on average height for men and women in the country
  3. Height weight chart can help you know if you are over or underweight

A height-weight chart can give you a general idea about whether you are healthy. This is because although the definition and appearance of being healthy are generally different for everyone, height and weight usually have the same impact. 

While in infancy and childhood, a height and weight chart can showcase growth; in adulthood, this chart can help know whether you have the ideal weight. Read on to find out the average height weight chart for male and females and what can cause you to be overweight or underweight.

Height Weight Chart Females

Height (in feet)Height (in cm)Weight (in kgs)
4.6137 cm28.5– 34.9
4.7140 cm30.8 – 37.6
4.8142 cm32.6 – 39.9
4.9145 cm34.9 – 42.6
4.10147 cm36.4 – 44.9
4.11150 cm39.0 – 47.6
5.0152 cm40.8 – 49.9
5.1155 cm43.1 – 52.6
5.2157 cm44.9 – 54.9
5.3160 cm42.7 – 57.6
5.4163 cm49.0 – 59.9
5.5165 cm51.2 – 62.6
5.6168 cm53.0 – 64.8
5.7170 cm55.3 – 67.6
5.8173 cm57.1 – 69.8
5.9175 cm59.4 – 72.6
5.10178 cm61.2 – 74.8
5.11180 cm63.5 – 77.5
6.0183 cm65.3 – 79.8

height weight chart for adults

Height Weight Chart Male

Height (in feet)Height( in cm)Weight (in kgs)
4.6137cm28.5 – 34.9
4.7140cm30.8 – 38.1
4.8142 cm33.5 – 40.8
4.9145 cm35.8 – 43.9
4.10147 cm38.5 – 46.7
4.11150 cm40.8 – 49.9
5.0152 cm43.1 – 53.0
5.1155 cm45.8 – 55.8
5.2157 cm48.1 – 58.9
5.3160 cm50.8 – 61.6
5.4163 cm53.0 – 64.8
5.5165 cm55.3 – 68.0
5.6168 cm58.0 – 70.7
5.7170 cm60.3 – 73.9
5.8173 cm63.0 – 76.6
5.9175 cm65.3 – 79.8
5.10178 cm67.6 – 83.0
5.11180 cm70.3 – 85.7
6.0183 cm72.6 – 88.9

What is Height Conversion Table?

Cm Ft InFtInches Meters 
168.005′ 6.1417″5.511866.14171.6800
168.015′ 6.1457″5.512166.14571.6801
168.025′ 6.1496″5.512566.14961.6802
168.035′ 6.1535″5.512866.15351.6803
168.045′ 6.1575″5.513166.15751.6803
168.055′ 6.1614″5.513566.16141.6803
168.065′ 6.1654″5.513866.16541.6803
168.075′ 6.1693″5.514166.16931.6803
168.085′ 6.1732″5.514466.17321.6803
168.095′ 6.1772″5.514866.17721.6803
168.105′ 6.1811″5.515166.18111.6803
168.115′ 6.1850″5.515466.18501.6803
168.125′ 6.1890″5.515766.18901.6803
168.135′ 6.1929″5.516166.19291.6803
168.145′ 6.1969″5.516466.19691.6803
168.155′ 6.2008″5.516766.20081.6803
168.165′ 6.2047″5.517166.20471.6803
168.175′ 6.2087″5.517466.20871.6803
168.185′ 6.2126″5.517766.21261.6803
168.195′ 6.2165″5.518066.21651.6803
168.205′ 6.2205″5.518466.22051.6803

healthy ways to gain weight infographic

How To Maintain Ideal Weight?

The height and weight measurements are widely applicable to adults, and it is not strictly followed in the case of children. So, the effectiveness of this chart concerns adults only. However, this chart is important for children as it relates to their development. The variation of this chart is seen among individuals because of the sedentary lifestyle. 

Obesity is rising worldwide due to unhealthy eating patterns, modern lifestyles, and constant stress. This subsequently results in the development of a lot of illnesses. So, to reduce the risk of diseases, you must try to maintain an ideal weight. 

Follow a Healthy Regime

Diet plays an important role in making a person healthy. Add fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dietary products to your diet list. Tomatoes, oranges, dark and leafy vegetables, onions, and broccoli are full of minerals, fibres, and vitamins. Eggs, chicken, beans, seafood, legumes, nuts, etc., fulfil your body's protein requirement. Opt for baking instead of using oil to make your dishes. Monitor your weight at regular intervals so that whenever you see it is up, you can quickly take measures to reduce it. 

Stay Active At All Times

You should stay energetic by doing regular physical exercise. It does not matter if you cannot exercise in the morning. There is no harm in doing exercise in the evening. So according to your schedule, maintain your exercise regime and do it dedicatedly. You should be careful about how many calories you consume and how much you will burn through exercise. There should be a balancing proportion of this fact to keep yourself active and fit. 

Take Proper Rest 

Make it a habit to get up early in the morning; similarly, you should go to bed early at night. This will help your biological clock function well and will balance your hormones, which in turn will help you maintain your body weight. Because whenever you feel stressed, it creates hormonal imbalances in the body and causes weight gain. Therefore, taking enough rest and sleep is important to help your body deal with all the activities you do throughout the day. 

Minimize Y Stress Level 

Once you start exercising and maintaining a healthy diet, you will slowly feel your stress going away. A feeling of relaxation will spread to your mind. If you cut down on smoking and drinking and control your caffeine intake, it will help you more. 

So, the ideal way to maintain your weight is to consume healthy food and say no to processed foods. As experts say, eating in small quantities at frequent intervals will strengthen your metabolic structure, and your body will burn calories. Exercise is another vital factor that helps you manage your weight. 

How To Interpret Height And Weight Chart?

It is simple to understand the height weight chart for men and women. From the chart, you can gauge the following factors. This chart allows you to check the relationship between height and weight and how it affects an individual's health.

Average Weight

The weight category says an individual should be within that range to be declared healthy. So, an individual must try to maintain their weight as per their height. 


If the individual weighs below the recommended weight range, they are considered underweight. They should talk to a medical practitioner to find out the reasons for their condition and adopt necessary remedies. 


If the individual weighs above the recommended range, they will be considered overweight. So, they should aim to cut down their weight. 

What are the Consequences of Obesity in Adults?

Maintaining an ideal weight is important because being overweight or underweight can lead to a number of health conditions. These include [1] [2]. 


Being overweight leads to the deposition of fatty tissues in the blood vessels, which hampers the normal circulatory function in the body. This is one of the main causes of hypertension and high blood pressure.

Coronary Heart diseases

An unstable blood pressure level will make you prone to coronary heart conditions. 

Type 2 Diabetes

Overweight individuals often have type 2 diabetes as the fats in the body lead to insulin resistance. It means your body is unable to respond to insulin, increasing glucose levels. The insulin receptors, which are a kind of protein located outside of a cell and help the body connect with the insulin found in the blood, are blanketed by fats when you are overweight. So they fail to respond to insulin. 

Liver Disease

Being overweight causes an individual to suffer from a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, where fats get deposited in the liver. 


Obesity is linked to some forms of cancer. This happens due to chronic inflammation in the body, poor immunity and malfunctioning of cellular growth.


When you are overweight, your body will not frequently move, leading to the tightening of the blood vessels. This causes breathlessness, a feeling of shortness of breath. This, in turn, will restrict your daily activities.

Related Health Conditions

  • An elevated level of bad cholesterol, or LDL cholesterol
  • Lowering of good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol
  • The increasing level of triglycerides, the fat accumulated by consuming oily food and butter etc.  
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder diseases 
  • Sleep apnoea and breathing problems
  • Prolonged inflammation and oxidative stress
  • Reduced quality of life 
  • Clinical depression and anxiety
  • Body aches and impaired physical movement
  • Type 2 diabetes  
  • Heart issues  
  • Certain cancers  
  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Osteoporosis  
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Anemia 
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle 
  • Reduced immunity 

What are the Impacts of Being Overweight?

You can quickly check your weight by using a BMI calculator. With age, individuals tend to put on weight due to the loss of muscles and bones. As age progresses, fat is only the dominant component in your body, so you start putting on weight. So, there are better tools to check your ideal weight than BMI. You need to use this tool in combination with the following factors. 

Waist-to-hip-ratio (WHR)

The size of your waist should be less than your hips. For example, if you are a female and your waist-to-hip ratio is 0.85, then you have abdominal obesity. Similarly, in males, this percentage is 0.90. 


This is another benchmark which says that if your waist size exceeds half of your body size, you will have obesity in the middle part of your body. This is unhealthy. 

Body fat percentage

This can be measured by how much fat is accumulated in the body. Again, you need to consult a nutritionist for this.  

Body shape and waist

The fat that is deposited in your body is controlled by your genes. Usually, belly fat is more common in men than women. 

So these factors will help you understand how unhealthy body weight could attract various illnesses, so you must try to maintain your weight.  

Given the health consequences of not maintaining an ideal weight, it is essential for adults to monitor it with the help of a height weight chart. This chart will tell you your ideal weight according to your height, which in turn helps you know if you are obese, underweight, or overweight.

Keep in mind that your ideal weight may vary depending on various factors such as age, gender, genetics, medical history, and more. 

Things Remember Before Using the Height Weight Chart 

  • A height weight chart is based on the average height for men and the average height for women in India. 
  • If your weight is within the range of your height, it can be interpreted as you have a healthy weight. 
  • If the weight is under or above the range, it can be interpreted as you being underweight or overweight. 
  • It is important to remember that your ideal weight may also be dependent on other factors, mainly your age, medical history, family history, and genetics. 
  • If you notice that you are under or above the average weight, talk to a doctor to understand the reasons for the same, especially if you notice prolonged periods where your weight falls outside the range or when your weight fluctuates widely frequently.  
  • Depending solely on a BMI calculator can give you inaccurate results because it does not consider age, fat distribution, waist-to-hip ratio, and muscle mass proportion.

Weight fluctuations are normal but being overweight or underweight for long periods can cause complications later in life. This is why it is important to know the causes of being over or underweight and taking conscious measures to normalize your weight.

Keep in mind that genetics can also cause this fluctuation, and if you have these genes, it becomes more important for you to maintain your weight. With proper measures and guidance, you can manage your weight without any adverse effects. 

Height Weight Chart important things

Causes of Being Overweight and Underweight 

1. Health Conditions 

While obesity can lead to certain conditions, it can be caused by health issues and medicines too. This includes hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, eating disorder, hyperthyroidism, medication for schizophrenia, diabetes, depression, epilepsy, and more. But you should remember that even though being overweight is a side effect of these conditions, you can manage your weight and stay healthy by taking the right measures. 

2. Inactive or Stressful Lifestyle 

A sedentary or stressful lifestyle has a direct and adverse effect on your health. An inactive lifestyle means you do not use the energy from your food, which is then converted into fat. Excess fat in your body can lead to obesity. Stress, on the other hand, can make you either overweight or underweight. It can lead to eating more or less than required due to anxiety. One of the best ways to tackle this is by being active, as it can help you shed extra weight while relaxing your mind and improving your mental health. 

3. Imbalanced Diet 

What you eat is one of the most important factors in not only keeping weight problems at bay but also staying healthy. A balanced diet can give your body sufficient nutrients that help your organs function properly and keep you energized throughout the day.

If you have learned bad eating habits or unhealthy habits during your childhood or teenage years, take the necessary steps that can help you unlearn them. It is imperative to follow these steps as soon as you notice an unhealthy habit or a trigger that makes you behave or act inappropriately regarding food. This can help you have control over what goes in your body and thereby keep you healthy.

Additional Read: Healthy Diet Plan to Maintaining Good Health

With the average height and weight chart at your fingertips, take the necessary measures to stay healthy. You can also calculate your WHR, body fat percentage, and BMI to get a better estimate of your health. Knowing whether you are overweight or underweight can help you stay on top of your health. If you notice that you are extremely overweight (obese), you can take the necessary preventive measure to help stop the development and progression of a health condition.

If you notice any concerning signs of a health condition or want to get help to put on or lose weight, talk to a doctor or nutritionist to know more. Book a doctor consultation on Bajaj Finserv Health. The online consultation facility allows you to talk with your preferred doctor from anywhere in the country online. You can also ask the doctor for tips on what to do to maintain your ideal body weight. This way, you can make your health a top priority with ease! 


What should I do if a height and weight chart shows I am overweight?

If you are overweight according to the height and weight chart, you should start doing some physical exercises and maintain a healthy diet. These measures will benefit you in maintaining your weight. 

What is the ideal weight in kilogrammes?

The ideal body weight in kilograms is 50 kg+ 1.9 kg in every inch above 5 feet in respect of men. While for women, it should be 49kg+ 1.7kg for in every inch after 5 feet. 

Does health insurance cover weight-related illnesses?

Yes, it is covered on a floater basis, which is an extension of the main insurance policy covering the entire family. 

How can you know if you’re overweight?

By following the height and weight chart, you will know that you are overweight. Physically also, you will feel as you gain weight. 

How to get to your ideal weight?

Once you follow the height and weight chart, you can maintain your ideal weight. You can do it by eating healthy, exercising, and reducing smoking and alcohol consumption. 

How important are height and weight charts?

The height and weight chart are quite important, but at the same time, your age, genetics and bone structure also play an important role in determining your weight according to your height. 

How can i make myself taller?

There is no such medicine that can make you tall. The height is all about your genetics. 

How many kg should a 5-foot height weigh?

The ideal weight for a 5 feet height individual should be between 40.1 to 53kg.

What is the ideal weight for a 5’6 female?

The recommended weight for a 5’6 female should be 53kg to 64.8 kg.

What is the average weight for 5’8 men?

The average weight for 5’8 men should be 63kg to 70.6 kg.

 Is 5’11 average height for a guy?

5’11 is a very decent height for a guy, but not average. 

Is 5ft 5 tall for a 13-year-old boy?

Yes, 5’5 is tall for a 13-year-old boy. The average is 5 feet. 

What is 160 CM in Feet and Inches?

160 CM is 5 feet 3 inches. India uses inches to measure height. 

What is 162 CM in Feet and Inches?

In the Indian system, 5 feet 4 inches is 162 centimetres.

What is 163 CM in Feet and Inches?

5 feet 4 inches is just above 162 centimetres. Therefore, as per the Indian measuring system, a person having 163 cm will be considered 5 feet 4 inches, even though the person is slightly taller. 

What is 168 CM in Feet and Inches?

5 feet 6 inches is 168 centimetres as per the Indian measuring system.

What is 175 CM in Feet and Inches?

175 CM is just above the 5 feet 9 inches on measuring tape.

What is 157 CM in Feet and Inches?

157 CM is 5 feet 2 inches on the measuring tape.

What is 167 CM in Feet and Inches?

167 CM and 5 feet 5 inches are almost equal lengths on the measuring tape.

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