Pitta Dosha: Symptoms on Skin and Home Remedies

Ayurveda | 4 min read

Pitta Dosha: Symptoms on Skin and Home Remedies

Dr. Shubham Kharche

Medically reviewed by

Key Takeaways

  1. Common pitta symptoms include sore throat, body odor and insomnia
  2. Excess pitta symptoms can cause emotions like jealousy, hatred and anger
  3. Pitta dosha may require the need of ayurvedic cleansing to remove toxins

As per ayurveda, there are three prominent doshas that contribute to your mental, physiological and emotional health [1]. The ratio of these doshas – pitta, kapha and vata – vary from one person to another. An imbalance in their ratio can affect your overall metabolism. The need of ayurvedic cleansing is vital here as it helps flush out toxins from your body and balances your doshas. Following such remedies also helps reduce pitta dosha symptoms.

Be it digestive problems or insomnia, those who have excess pitta dosha experience a range of issues. Ayurveda has an answer for them all. In fact, ayurveda and insomnia relief are often talked about. Following recommendations like sipping a glass of warm milk before you go to bed can help you sleep better. Read on to understand more about how pitta dosha symptoms can affect your health.

Home Remedies For Pitta Dosha

home remedies for pitta doshaAdditional read: Implement Ayurveda in Daily Routine

Physical and Behavioral Pitta Dosha Symptoms

When there is an imbalance of pitta dosha in your body, you may experience certain changes in your emotional and physical health.

Physical Pitta Dosha Symptoms:

A few physical pitta dosha symptoms include the following [2]:

  • Insomnia
  • Pitta headache and vomiting
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Body odor
  • Increased appetite
  • Painful menstrual cycle
  • Sore throat
  • Infections in the body

Behavioral Pitta Dosha Symptoms:

While physical pitta dosha symptoms are obvious, here are a few behavioral pitta dosha symptoms that you may experience too.

  • Jealousy
  • Frustration
  • Being impatient
  • Instability in your thoughts
  • Resentment
  • Being judgmental

Only when this is properly balanced, you can focus and concentrate on your goals.

Pitta Dosha SymptomsAdditional read: Ayurveda and Insomnia

Other Pitta Dosha Symptoms

Excess Pitta Dosha Symptoms Affect Mind

When pitta increases, your negative emotions also increase. You tend to get irritated over small things and show strong anger and resentment. There is also a constant feeling of dissatisfaction. Excess pitta may force you to become a perfectionist and you may start finding faults even in trivial matters. If you overlook such symptoms, negative feelings like hostility, rage and anger may increase drastically. In some cases, it may even lead to intense jealousy or depression.

Pitta Dosha Affect Digestive System

In the initial stage of pitta imbalance, you may feel very thirsty and hungry. There is always a sense of insatiability and you may want to eat and drink all the time. When there is an increase in its accumulation, you may feel acid reflux and heartburn. You may also feel nauseous and this may cause severe vomiting. Few other digestive ailments include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Decrease in blood sugar
  • Unable to eat spicy and fried foods

If you do not check and correct pitta imbalance, your tongue may develop a yellowish coating. You may not be able to taste food properly as there will be a bitter feeling in your mouth. Bad breath is another typical sign of imbalance, and you may feel a burning sensation during the bowel movement. If pitta is not eliminated from the digestive tract, you may face severe constipation and indigestion. At this stage, you may see blood in your stool. If not checked properly, this may lead to stomach inflammation and appendicitis. 

Pitta Dosha Imbalance Cause Skin Problems

When there is excess pitta in your body, your skin may turn yellow or red in color. There may be hives, rash or acne seen on your skin. In some cases, you may even develop dermatitis or psoriasis. During such imbalance, your body generates excess heat. Due to excess heat in your blood, you may experience hot flashes, fever or burning sensations. Your sensitivity to the sun increases. This can cause skin burns or bruises. Few other skin problems include:

  • Profuse sweating
  • Strong body odor
  • Acidic perspiration

In case of excess accumulation, you may even get jaundice, hepatitis or gangrene.

Issues Caused Due to Pitta Accumulation

Due to pitta accumulation, your blood pressure can increase. You may also experience muscle fatigue and hair loss if it is not checked in time. If you allow pitta to go on unchecked, you may experience insomnia and chronic hypertension.

Now that you know what pitta dosha symptoms are, you can make can minor modifications in your lifestyle. Have a nutritious diet and improve your health. For more advice, you can connect with reputed ayurvedic specialists on Bajaj Finserv Health. book an online doctor consultation within minutes and get customized advice from the comfort of your home. Follow ayurveda and work towards a healthier lifestyle.

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