Andhra Pradesh
876 km
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875 km
Get DirectionsChhattisgarh
912 km
Get DirectionsYou can use the contact number: 08067506814 to connect with this branch of NH - Mumbai SRCC.
One can connect with the hospital using the following contact number: 08067506814. In addition, clicking on the "Call Now" button will display the contact number, emergency number and ambulance contact number of the NH - Mumbai SRCC.
Yes, NH - Mumbai SRCC in Mumbai offers ambulance services. This facility can be availed by contacting the hospital at this number: 08067506814.
In case of an emergency situation, you can use the number 08067506814 to request an ambulance service from NH - Mumbai SRCC in Mumbai.
Yes, NH - Mumbai SRCC in Mumbai offers emergency services. The emergency department can be connected using this number: 08067506814.
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