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02066847372Liver Function Test
Also Known as LFT, Liver Panel, Hepatic Panel
AFB-detection by smear examination ZN Stain, Sputum
Also Known as Ziehl–Neelsen Staining, AFB Stain For TB, AFB Stain (Acid Fast Bacilli)
Iron Studies With Ferritin
Also Known as Iron Panel With Ferritin, Iron Profile With Ferritin, Iron Indices With Ferritin
Microalbumin, Urine spot
Also Known as Urine Albumin Test
Hemoglobin; Hb
Also Known as Hb, Haemoglobin Test
Also Known as PRL, Prolactin Hormone Test
C3 Complement-3, Serum
Also Known as C3
Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) HAV-IgM antibody
Also Known as IgM Anti-HAV Test
Blood Group Profile ABO & Rh Typing (manual), Blood
Also Known as ABO blood grouping