Ayurveda: The Ancient Science of Healing

Want to eradicate your health ailments right from the root? Follow the different types of ayurvedic treatment and see how this holistic method brings a balance between your mind and body! Leverage the benefits of ayurveda to improve your physical and mental health.

The Ancient Science of Healing

Ayurveda सर्व लेख दाखवित आहे ह्या साठी

ज्येष्ठमध: आरोग्य फायदे, साइड इफेक्ट्स आणि खबरदारी

ज्येष्ठमध: आरोग्य फायदे, साइड इफेक्ट्स आणि खबरदारी

8 किमान वाचले
ऍसिड रिफ्लक्ससाठी 20 सर्वोत्तम आयुर्वेदिक घरगुती उपचार

ऍसिड रिफ्लक्ससाठी 20 सर्वोत्तम आयुर्वेदिक घरगुती उपचार

9 किमान वाचले
गाजर: पोषण मूल्य, फायदे, आरोग्यदायी पाककृती, खबरदारी

गाजर: पोषण मूल्य, फायदे, आरोग्यदायी पाककृती, खबरदारी

13 किमान वाचले
लवंग: फायदे, उपयोग, पोषण आणि खबरदारी

लवंग: फायदे, उपयोग, पोषण आणि खबरदारी

12 किमान वाचले
धूळ ऍलर्जी: कारणे, लक्षणे आणि सोपे घरगुती उपचार

धूळ ऍलर्जी: कारणे, लक्षणे आणि सोपे घरगुती उपचार

7 किमान वाचले
राष्ट्रीय आयुर्वेद दिवस: उद्देश, थीम आणि इतिहास

राष्ट्रीय आयुर्वेद दिवस: उद्देश, थीम आणि इतिहास

7 किमान वाचले
बद्धकोष्ठतेसाठी आयुर्वेदिक औषध: उपाय आणि कारणे

बद्धकोष्ठतेसाठी आयुर्वेदिक औषध: उपाय आणि कारणे

7 किमान वाचले
PCOS साठी आयुर्वेदिक उपचार: PCOS साठी औषधी वनस्पती आणि आहार

PCOS साठी आयुर्वेदिक उपचार: PCOS साठी औषधी वनस्पती आणि आहार

10 किमान वाचले
अपचनासाठी 12 प्रभावी घरगुती उपचार तुम्ही वापरून पाहू शकता

अपचनासाठी 12 प्रभावी घरगुती उपचार तुम्ही वापरून पाहू शकता

8 किमान वाचले
जिरे: पौष्टिक मूल्य, उपयोग, दुष्परिणाम, फायदे

जिरे: पौष्टिक मूल्य, उपयोग, दुष्परिणाम, फायदे

11 किमान वाचले
हळद: पौष्टिक तथ्ये, आरोग्य फायदे, संभाव्य जोखीम

हळद: पौष्टिक तथ्ये, आरोग्य फायदे, संभाव्य जोखीम

9 किमान वाचले
लॅव्हेंडर तेल त्वचा आणि केसांसाठी फायदे आणि ते वापरण्याचे मार्ग

लॅव्हेंडर तेल त्वचा आणि केसांसाठी फायदे आणि ते वापरण्याचे मार्ग

7 किमान वाचले

Who does not wish to bring a balance between mind, spirit and body? The answer to this lies in ayurveda. Often referred to as the ‘Mother of All Healing’, ayurveda is an effective solution for any problem. Though it originated more than 5,000 years ago, it is still relevant and practiced today.

If you are pondering over the question, ‘What is ayurveda?’ the answer will surprise you. According to ayurveda, good health depends on the harmony of your mind, spirit and body with the universe. To get an in-depth understanding of what is ayurveda and the principles of ayurveda, read on.

What is ayurveda?

Ayurveda is one of the most efficient traditional healing systems that boosts your wellness and health. In Sanskrit, ayurveda means knowledge of life. According to it, disease occurs when there is an imbalance between mind, spirit and body. The prime goal of ayurveda is not to fight diseases but to promote good health.

Ayurveda believes that your body is governed by five elements – air, fire, earth, water and space. If the balance between these elements and your body is disrupted, you tend to fall sick. Just like each individual has a specific fingerprint, there is a particular pattern of energy surrounding each one of us. This energy revolves around the five elements of universe.

Ayurveda focuses on maintaining good health by identifying this energy, modifying your lifestyle and incorporating herbs in your diet.

How well are you aware of the history of ayurveda?

When it comes to the history of ayurveda, it is believed that this holistic approach was discovered during the time of ancient rishis. In fact, you can study about ayurveda in ancient religious books like Atharva Veda. According to this book, ayurveda has been described as an inherent system that helps in maintaining health of an individual by adopting the principles of nature. This way you realize the true power of your inner self.

The first document in which ayurveda was mentioned is the Charak Samhita. This document was named after the father of ayurveda. Charak was known as the father of ayurveda and was given the designation of Raj Vaidya. It was he who wrote the book on ayurvedic medicine. This book described different diseases and their treatment strategies. All these facts prove that the history of ayurveda dates back to more than 5,000 years.

What are the main principles of ayurveda?

The principles of ayurveda are governed by five basic elements as discussed earlier. These elements in combination with each other create three primary forces or doshas in your body. When air and space combines, it gives rise to vata dosha. Water and earth combine to give rise to kapha, and the pitta dosha is a result of the combination of fire and water. All three doshas help in governing all the physiological, biological and psychological functions of your body and mind.

According to the principles of ayurveda, the dominance of any one dosha combination is what determines your body’s constitution. Ayurvedic methods help in treating your doshas using a combination of herbal remedies, diet, ayurvedic massage, and detoxification.

What are the benefits of ayurveda?

The benefits of ayurveda are numerous and it is considered as one of the most effective preventive strategies. Ayurveda allows your body to heal naturally thereby helping in improving your overall health at a faster pace.

Here are some key benefits of ayurveda:

  • Different ayurvedic herbs and spices have healing properties that focus on you and not the disease. This improves your overall health as here the root cause of an ailment is tackled.
  • An ayurvedic approach helps in boosting your mental health too as yoga and meditation are combined with herbal medications.
  • Helps in reducing the risk of health ailments by motivating you to eat the right food and exercise regularly.
  • Detoxifies your body and reduces bloating issues as herbal techniques and medicines contain amazing antioxidant properties.

What are the different types of ayurvedic treatment?

Here are some of the different types of ayurvedic treatment.

Nasyam: This technique involves applying herbal medications in your nostrils.

  • Panchakarma: A method to cleanse your body by using different ayurvedic medications
  • Shodana chikitsa: A technique to remove impurities using enemas, fasting and induced vomiting
  • Rakthamoksham: Cleansing impurities from your blood using procedures like venesection and needle pricking

    There are many other types of ayurvedic treatment techniques as well that help in promoting your overall well-being.

Now that you are more familiar with what is ayurveda, the principles of ayurveda, and the benefits of ayurveda, try incorporating it into your daily routine. Following practices like waking up early and eating dinner 2 hours before you sleep can rejuvenate your body and mind. The topics discussed under this section gives your clear overview of ayurvedic practices you can follow every day. To apply ayurveda to your life, you can access other resources on Bajaj Finserv Health. Book consultations with renowned ayur specialists to treat your symptoms with this

अधिक दर्शवा

सतत विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न

As per Ayurveda, three doshas or energies form your constitution on the basis of which ayurvedic treatment is prescribed.

Most ayurvedic formulations have no side effects. However, it is better to consult an ayurvedic specialist before starting your therapy.

Ayurveda is a lifestyle approach that helps in maintaining your body's balance and reduces the risk of diseases. It is also knowns as the science of permanent healing.

Here are some of the health problems that ayurveda can help with.
Digestion issues
High blood pressure

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