balloon angioplasty

Balloon angioplasty cost in Bangalore

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Balloon Angioplasty Hospitals in Bangalore

30 results
Available Beds215
DisclaimerThe cost of balloon angioplasty depends on the following factors: the city, the hospital that is selected, the complexity of the procedure and the room chosen by the patient. The price range mentioned here is an approximation of the surgery cost; Bajaj Finserv Health does not claim that these prices are an exact estimate. For exact information about surgery charges, it is best inquire at the selected hospital.

Balloon Angioplasty in Depth: Comprehensive Insights

Balloon angioplasty, medically known as percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), represents a minimally invasive therapeutic modality that has significantly revolutionized cardiovascular care. This procedure, although minimally invasive, has garnered paramount importance in the management of coronary artery disease (CAD). Notably, the city of Bangalore boasts a cadre of proficient and knowledgeable cardiac practitioners who adeptly administer this intervention.

The Origin of Balloon Angioplasty

The roots of balloon angioplasty trace back to the 1970s, signifying a watershed moment in the annals of cardiology. Dr. Andreas Gruentzig, a pioneering interventional cardiologist, catalyzed a paradigm shift by undertaking the inaugural human application of balloon angioplasty in 1977. His innovative procedure entailed the utilization of a diminutive balloon situated at the distal end of a catheter. This balloon, when inflated within a constricted coronary artery, engendered luminal dilation, thereby facilitating the amelioration of myocardial perfusion.

Plain Old Balloon Angioplasty (POBA) in Cardiovascular Pathology

Fundamentals of POBA POBA, denoting Plain Old Balloon Angioplasty, embodies the archetypal manifestation of balloon angioplasty, devoid of adjunctive stent deployment. During a POBA intervention, clinicians navigate a catheter with an inflatable balloon attachment to the locus of the coronary artery obstruction. Subsequently, the balloon is inflated, exerting pressure on the atherosclerotic plaque and causing arterial dilation. Nevertheless, POBA's clinical utility was constrained by the risk of restenosis due to issues like elastic recoil and vessel dissection, impeding its optimal efficacy.

Progressive Paradigms: Incorporating Stents

Stent-Enhanced Balloon Angioplasty To surmount the limitations intrinsic to POBA, cardiac practitioners pioneered stent-assisted angioplasty. This innovative approach entails the introduction of stents, typically metallic mesh tubes, post-balloon angioplasty. The stent serves as structural support, counteracting elastic recoil, and mitigating restenosis risk. This integrated technique, termed percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), now serves as the gold standard for CAD management. Drug-Eluting Stents (DES) Recent years have witnessed the ascendancy of drug-eluting stents, offering a paradigmatic improvement in balloon angioplasty outcomes. These stents are coated with therapeutic agents that are gradually released into the arterial wall. This pharmaceutical intervention diminishes inflammation and mitigates restenosis risk, rendering DES a preeminent choice for an extensive cadre of PCI recipients.

Advantages Inherent to Balloon Angioplasty

Balloon angioplasty supersedes conventional open-heart surgeries in terms of several advantages. Patients benefit from abbreviated hospitalization durations, expedited convalescence periods, and a decreased proclivity towards complications such as infection or hemorrhage. Moreover, outpatient administration of this procedure is frequently feasible, thus facilitating a prompt return to daily activities.

The Significance of Timely Intervention

Early Detection and Treatment Balloon angioplasty assumes a pivotal role in the early management of coronary artery disease. The expeditious identification and resolution of obstructive lesions antedating severe sequelae, such as myocardial infarction, are of paramount importance. Balloon angioplasty represents a safe and efficacious means to fulfill this objective. Balloon angioplasty has profoundly transmuted the therapeutic landscape of cardiovascular ailments. This minimally invasive intervention, commonly referred to as "balloon heart surgery," is emblematic of modern cardiac care. Its metamorphosis from the rudimentary POBA to stent-assisted angioplasty and drug-eluting stents has substantively enhanced clinical outcomes. As technological advancements persist, the prospects for balloon angioplasty's continued evolution and the enhancement of patient lives afflicted by cardiovascular disorders remain promising. Bangalore is fortunate to harbor exemplary healthcare facilities and adept medical professionals who adeptly administer this invaluable procedure, ensuring the welfare of the cardiac patient populace.


The of balloon angioplasty cost in bangalore can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the chosen healthcare provider, the facilities provided, and any additional services required. However, it typically ranges from 149900 to 201000 INR.

Many hospitals in bangalore offer financing options or payment plans to assist patients with managing the cost of balloon angioplasty. These options can help make the procedure more affordable and accessible. It is recommended to inquire about available financing options directly with the healthcare provider or hospital.

The success rate of balloon angioplasty in bangalore can vary depending on several factors, including the type of procedure, the individual patient's condition, and the expertise of the healthcare provider. It is advisable to consult with a reputable healthcare provider or specialist in bangalore who can provide you with more specific information regarding success rates.

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