balloon angioplasty

Balloon angioplasty cost in Kolkata

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Balloon Angioplasty Hospitals in Kolkata

88 results
Available Beds316
DisclaimerThe cost of balloon angioplasty depends on the following factors: the city, the hospital that is selected, the complexity of the procedure and the room chosen by the patient. The price range mentioned here is an approximation of the surgery cost; Bajaj Finserv Health does not claim that these prices are an exact estimate. For exact information about surgery charges, it is best inquire at the selected hospital.

Balloon Angioplasty: A Comprehensive Overview

Balloon angioplasty, scientifically termed percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), represents a minimally invasive therapeutic intervention with profound implications in the management of cardiovascular diseases, particularly coronary artery disease (CAD). The application of balloon angioplasty has ushered in a paradigm shift in the therapeutic armamentarium of cardiac ailments. In Kolkata, an array of proficient and knowledgeable cardiovascular specialists offers this procedure with utmost safety and efficacy.

Inception and Evolution

The genesis of balloon angioplasty can be traced back to the 1970s, heralding a pivotal juncture in the annals of cardiology. Dr. Andreas Gruentzig, an illustrious interventional cardiologist, etched his name in medical history by executing the inaugural successful balloon angioplasty procedure on a human subject in 1977. The technique entails the inflation of a diminutive balloon affixed to a catheter within a constricted coronary artery, thereby effecting luminal dilation and the restoration of coronary blood flow.

Role of POBA in Cardiovascular Practice

Plain Old Balloon Angioplasty (POBA) POBA, an acronym for Plain Old Balloon Angioplasty, denotes the primordial iteration of balloon angioplasty bereft of adjunctive stent placement. During POBA, an inflatable balloon catheter is meticulously navigated to the occlusive lesion within the coronary artery. Following meticulous positioning, the balloon is expanded to exert compressive forces on the atheromatous plaque, thereby ameliorating the vessel caliber. Nonetheless, POBA is imbued with certain limitations, chiefly encompassing the proclivity for elastic recoil and vessel dissection, entailing an elevated risk of restenosis. Contemporary Balloon Angioplasty Modalities Integration of Stents In an endeavor to surmount the limitations posed by POBA, cardiology practitioners innovatively introduced stent-assisted angioplasty. Stents, resembling miniature mesh-like conduits, emerged as a vital adjunct to conventional balloon angioplasty. Following the aforesaid balloon inflation, the stent is judiciously deployed within the treated coronary artery. This strategic placement endows scaffolding to the vessel, averting recoil and mitigating the risk of restenosis. This amalgamation of balloon angioplasty and stent deployment is officially recognized as percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and is currently deemed the gold standard for CAD management. The Emergence of Drug-Eluting Stents (DES) Recent advancements in cardiovascular intervention encompass the application of drug-eluting stents (DES). These stents are bioengineered with a pharmacological coating, which gradually elutes therapeutic agents into the adjacent arterial intima. This modality mitigates inflammation and diminishes the likelihood of restenosis, rendering DES an optimum choice for a substantial cohort of patients undergoing PCI due to its superlative long-term outcomes.

Advantages of Balloon Angioplasty

Minimally Invasive and Expedited Recovery Balloon angioplasty has eclipsed traditional open-heart surgeries in numerous aspects. Patients benefit from abbreviated hospitalization durations, accelerated recuperation, and diminished susceptibility to postoperative complications such as infections or hemorrhagic sequelae. In certain instances, the procedure lends itself to ambulatory execution, facilitating prompt resumption of daily activities.

Significance of Early Intervention

Balloon angioplasty assumes a pivotal role in the expeditious intervention of CAD. The timely identification and remediation of obstructive lesions, prior to the incipience of catastrophic events such as myocardial infarction, remain paramount for optimizing therapeutic outcomes and bolstering patients' quality of life. The procedure is both safe and efficacious in accomplishing this objective. Balloon angioplasty has transformed cardiology, proffering a minimally invasive therapeutic modality for individuals grappling with CAD and allied vascular pathologies. Its evolutionary trajectory, commencing with POBA and culminating in the advent of stent-assisted interventions and drug-eluting stents, has significantly enhanced patient outcomes. This revolutionary procedure, colloquially known as balloon heart surgery, assumes an indomitable role in contemporary cardiovascular care. As technological advances burgeon, the refinement of balloon angioplasty augments the spectrum of possibilities for ameliorating the plight of countless individuals afflicted by cardiovascular maladies. In Kolkata, a cadre of esteemed healthcare institutions and adept medical professionals are available to provide heart health care to patients.


The of balloon angioplasty cost in kolkata can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the chosen healthcare provider, the facilities provided, and any additional services required. However, it typically ranges from 140400 to 190000 INR.

Many hospitals in kolkata offer financing options or payment plans to assist patients with managing the cost of balloon angioplasty. These options can help make the procedure more affordable and accessible. It is recommended to inquire about available financing options directly with the healthcare provider or hospital.

The success rate of balloon angioplasty in kolkata can vary depending on several factors, including the type of procedure, the individual patient's condition, and the expertise of the healthcare provider. It is advisable to consult with a reputable healthcare provider or specialist in kolkata who can provide you with more specific information regarding success rates.

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