Ayurveda | 4 min read
Ayurveda for Paralysis: 4 Important Things for You to Know

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Key Takeaways
- Using ayurveda for paralysis treatment helps you recover naturally
- You can get temporary facial paralysis from Bell’s palsy
- Padabhyanga is one of the ayurvedic remedies of paralysis
Did you know that Indians aged 30 to 50 years are increasingly at risk of paralysis? As per a report by the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, this is due to heart rhythm disorder caused by eating carbs in excess. Since this is concerning, it works to your benefit to know more about this disease and its treatment. Paralysis is the inability to perform voluntary movement of muscles. It is caused by a stoppage in the function of one or more muscles in your body. Paralysis can lead to both motor and sensory damage, and you may lose the feeling in the areas affected. Using Ayurveda for paralysis treatment helps those suffering from paralysis to become more independent with each passing day.
Usual causes of paralysis include injury to the spinal cord, peripheral neuropathy, hemorrhage, stroke, cerebral palsy, prolonged exposure to cold, poliomyelitis, Lyme disease, Guillain–Barré syndrome, anemia, environmental factors, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, botulism, Parkinson’s disease, spina bifida and multiple sclerosis [1].
Types of Paralysis:
There are different types of paralysis, so take a look at what they are –
Based on the Areas Affected
- Partial: Here, you lose control of some muscles, not all
- Complete: Here, you lose control of all muscles
Based on How Paralysis Impacted Nervous System
- Spastic: Your muscles become extremely tight
- Flaccid: Your muscles become loose
Note that you can also get temporary facial paralysis from Bell’s palsy. Other types of partial paralysis include quadriplegia (affecting limbs from the neck down), paraplegia (affecting both legs), and more. By opting for Ayurveda for paralysis treatment, a patient receives several types of massages that stimulate their nerves by relaxing core muscles.
Ayurvedic paralysis treatment also consists of therapies for curing Vata doshas. With cases of facial paralysis being quite common among post-COVID patients [2], it is important to know how to manage this unwanted disorder with simple ayurvedic remedies. Read on for more.
Additional Read: What is Sinus Headache
Ayurveda Treatment For Paralysis:
Resorting to Ayurveda for paralysis treatment is extremely beneficial to ensure better health. Here is a list of ayurvedic treatment methods to manage paralysis.
A mild and calming foot massage where the nerve endings in your feet are stimulated with ghee or herbal oil. With it, you can boost the function of every organ and system, which helps with paralysis treatment too.
Sneha Vasti
An important step of ayurvedic panchakarma, it helps your body get relief from all the toxins in your lower body. Flushing out toxins through your anal passage via an enema also helps you manage paralysis.
As part of pizhichil therapy, your whole body is softly massaged with lukewarm medicated oils. It is one of the best natural healers for rheumatic disorders such as paralysis, sexual disorders, arthritis, and more.
A massage with warm oil that covers your head to toe helps increase blood flow in your skin, thereby helping you in the treatment of paralysis.

Factors that Determine Ayurveda will Help in Paralysis Treatment
Usually, the following parameters determine the scope of success in the case of ayurvedic treatment of paralysis:
- The age of the person being treated
- Existence of any pre-existing disease
- The time gap between when paralysis is diagnosed and when treatment is started
Note that if the paralysis is at an early stage, the chance of successful treatment may be quite high. However, also remember that paralysis is not a simple disease, and it takes time to recover. All that is required is a dedicated and persistent effort from all concerned.
Additional Read: Health Benefits of Sandalwood OilHow to tell if a Paralysis Attack is Underway?
In case of a paralysis attack, individuals may show the following symptoms:
- Stiffness, pain, and spasm in muscles
- Loss of sensation in limbs and inability to move them
- Bout of anxiety and depression
- Speech impairment and trouble eating
Apart from the normal types of paralysis, there is also temporary paralysis that may happen during the rapid eye movement phase of your sleep. Moreover, drugs like curare that affect nerve function can also lead to stroke in the brain and cause paralysis. Opt for ayurvedic treatment without delay to start your journey towards recovery.
Whether you are looking for a naturopath or a neurologist, you can book a doctor's appointment on Bajaj Finserv Health. Get timely advice for the treatment of paralysis or other severe neurological conditions with ease using this app or website. Apart from that, make sure you have critical illness health insurance to back you up during a medical emergency. If you haven’t signed up for one yet, you can browse a range of policies under Aarogya Care and enjoy comprehensive healthcare coverage. This way, you can start taking care of your health today for a healthier tomorrow.
- https://www.nhp.gov.in/faalij-paralysis_mtl
- https://journals.lww.com/ijo/Fulltext/2022/01000/Isolated_peripheral_facial_nerve_palsy_post.94.aspx
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