Peanut Butter: Benefits, Nutrition Value, Types and Side Effects


Medically reviewed by

Dr. Tejaswini Km


9 min read

Key Takeaways

  • Peanut butter is rich in protein, vitamin B, vitamin E, and magnesium
  • Peanut butter benefits your heart, muscles, skin, and mental health
  • Vitamin B present in peanut butter promotes brain development in kids

Peanut butter is a great source of nutrients and you can prepare it with dry and roasted peanuts. This thick and tasty paste has all three macronutrients – fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Peanut butter benefits in many ways for health. It is also rich in the following vitamins and nutrients [1,4]. 

  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin E
  • Folate
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese  

Peanut provides nutritional benefits on par with other nuts. But is not expensive compared to cashews, almonds, and walnuts. Peanut butter benefits you in ways that improve your health and is popular across the world. Yet, you should look at the ingredients before buying a jar online or at a store.  

Added sugars or trans fats reduce the nutritional value of peanut butter. It is best to shop for a product with no additives or to prepare the butter at home by blending the peanuts yourself. The advantages of peanut butter are many. Keep reading for some standout peanut butter benefits.

What is Peanut Butter?

Peanut butter is made by first roasting peanuts and then grinding them until the mixture turns into a paste. This spread is a popular choice because of its thick and creamy texture and nutty taste. While 90% of peanut butter contains peanuts, around 10% includes dextrose, corn syrup, and salts to enhance its texture and flavor. Just like how peanut benefits your health, there are umpteen peanut butter benefits too. However, it is important that you read the label before you purchase peanut butter. Many brands add trans fats and sugar to peanut butter, which reduces its nutritive value.

Nutritional Value of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is rich in protein and other essential nutrients such as zinc, potassium, and magnesium. When you take two tablespoons of peanut butter, you get around 7g of protein, 107mg of phosphorous, and 57mg of magnesium. Peanut butter is a high-calorie spread packed with sodium and saturated fats. While the zinc in peanut butter helps boost immunity, phosphorous promotes healthy and strong bones. With so many peanut butter benefits, make sure to include it in your diet!

peanut butter nutrition value infographics

Peanut Butter Benefits

Here are the benefits of eating peanut butter. 

1. Peanut Butter for Managing Weight

Peanut butter is good for weight loss. The combination of fiber and protein in it keeps you fuller for longer. Peanuts also contain healthy fats known as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. When consumed as part of a healthy diet, these fats lower the risk of obesity.

The other side of the coin is also true. Many people swear by peanut butter benefits for weight gain. Nut butter is dense in calories and consuming a lot of it can lead to putting on weight. Plus, most peanut butters contain added sugar. The combination of sugar and fat can add to the kilos. Thus, consuming peanut butter in controlled quantities can help in managing body weight.

Additional Read: 5 Amazing Weight Loss Drinks

2. Peanut Butter for Bodybuilding

Peanut butter contains all the required nutrients for bodybuilding. Two tablespoons of peanut butter contain: 

  • More than 8 grams of protein 
  • 2 grams of dietary fiber
  • 188 calories 

The magnesium in peanut butter plays a key role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body. While helping to detoxify your body, it produces energy, forms strong bones, and maintains a healthy nervous system. The nutrition offered by peanut butter supports intense weightlifting. This makes it a perfect food to add to a diet for bodybuilders.

3. Peanut Butter for a Healthy Heart

Peanut butter contains more unsaturated fats than saturated fats, which lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. This monounsaturated fat is good for your heart and waistline! The oleic acid in peanut butter helps manage blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Maintaining these levels helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

The omega-6 fatty acid in peanut butter lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. Peanuts also contain an amino acid called arginine, which helps in the function of blood vessels. Consuming sufficient amount of it helps reduce the risk of heart diseases [2].

4. Peanut Butter Benefits For Skin Health

Peanut butter is rich in vitamin E, which can protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV exposure. Vitamin E also helps prevent: 

  • Cancer 
  • eye disorders 
  • heart disease 
  • cognitive decline 

The fats in peanut butter make your skin look radiant, whereas its lutein improves your skin’s elastin making it firm and free from wrinkles.

5. Peanut Butter Benefits for Babies

Children need enough protein to grow and eating peanut butter is great for this reason. Peanut has enough plant-based protein, which meets children’s protein needs. It supports healthy brain and muscle development and can improve your child’s immunity. Arginine, an amino acid in peanut butter, helps children grow. Moreover, vitamin B in peanut butter aids into brain development and produces energy. The choline and copper in it also help with concentration and support neurological health [3].

Additional Read: Top Dairy Foods that Dieticians Recommend

6. Peanut Butter For Managing Blood Sugar

As peanut butter contains minimal carbs and maximum proteins and fats, it has a low glycemic index. Peanut butter has a GI value of 13 which makes it ideal for type 2 diabetics. Peanut butter also contains magnesium, which is a must-have micronutrient for people with diabetes. Having a moderate amount of this spread in the morning may help in managing blood sugar levels throughout the day.

7. Peanut Butter For Reducing The Risk Of Cancer

You’ll be amazed to know that peanut butter benefits your cells by preventing and repairing cell damage. This is because of the presence of many antioxidants, which can prevent chronic conditions like cancer. A few of its antioxidants such as coumaric acid and resveratrol contain anticancer properties and are effective in minimizing the risk of obesity and heart ailments.

8. Peanut Butter For Neurological Conditions

Peanuts are rich in niacin or vitamin B3. This water-soluble vitamin improves your cognitive functioning, thereby reducing the risk for Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological ailments. While niacin prevents nerve cell damage, coumaric acid fights oxidative stress by destroying free radicals. Knowing these peanut butter benefits, make sure to include a teaspoon of it in your breakfast or as a on-the-go snack!

9. Peanut Butter For Overall Well-being

While you are familiar with peanut butter benefits for skin, do you know that peanut butter benefits your overall health? Peanut butter is packed with vitamins that help boost your immune system. While vitamin A in peanut butter promotes healthy vision, vitamin C is known for its healing properties. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient as it enables complex structures to dissolve easily thereby preventing blockages in arteries. With such umpteen peanut butter benefits, do store a bottle of peanut butter spread in your pantry.

10. Peanut Butter For Gallstone Management

Gall stones are formed due to an imbalance in the chemical composition of bile in the gall bladder. The most common reason for gallstones is increased cholesterol levels in the bile. If cholesterol increases, the excess cholesterol becomes stones. Since peanuts contain vital nutrients, taking peanut butter regularly may help reduce the risk of gall stones. 

Types of Peanut Butter

Before learning about peanut butter benefits for the skin and your overall health, you must know about its many variations. Here are a few types of peanut butter.

1. Conventional Peanut Butter

This type involves the process of heating oils and exposing them to hydrogen gas. This results in the solidification of the oil at room temperature. This oil, which is partially hydrogenated, is added to peanut butter. The main reason for following this process is to avoid spillage during shipment. When oil is mixed with peanut butter, the spread becomes creamy and smooth.

2. Natural Peanut Butter

Organic peanut butter that is devoid of any additional ingredients like trans fats and sugar is called natural. When you store peanut butter on the shelf, you may see the oil being separated and floating naturally. The natural peanut oils float, and you need to stir them before consuming this type of peanut butter.

3. No-Stir Peanut Butter

In this kind of peanut butter, refined palm oil is mixed with the spread. This type is approved by the Food and Drug Administration of the USA. The addition of the oil makes it a no-stir spread as it does not contain partially hydrogenated oils.

peanut butter benefits

Peanut Butter Recipe:

Now that you know some amazing peanut butter benefits thanks to its nutritional content, here are some interesting peanut butter recipes you can try for yourself. 

1. Peanut Butter Milkshake

To make this milkshake, you require 1 cup of frozen bananas, milk and half a cup of peanut butter. All you need to do is blend all these ingredients in a mixer until you get a smooth consistency. Want to add a little more flavour? Add a deseeded date! 

2. Peanut Butter Ice Cream

This is another delicious recipe which you can whip up in a few minutes. You may use banana or mango to make this recipe. Follow this simple method to savor the delicious ice cream!

  • Take a cup each of milk and peanut butter in a blender
  • Add 2 cups of frozen bananas or mangoes to the mixture
  • Mix a pinch of salt along with a teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Add ½ teaspoon of cardamom or cinnamon powder for additional flavor
  • Blend all ingredients properly until you get a smooth consistency
  • Place the mixture in the freezer for a few hours
  • Serve the chilled ice cream and enjoy!

3. Peanut Butter French Toast

Who doesn’t love French toast? When you add peanut butter to this brunch specialty, it is simply icing on the cake! Take ¾ cup each of peanut butter and milk along with 12 bread slices, 3 eggs, salt and butter. You can prepare the recipe in the following way.

  • Start by spreading peanut butter on the bread slices
  • Begin whisking salt, eggs and milk thoroughly
  • Take the bread slices and dip them in the egg mixture
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan on medium heat
  • Place the bread slices for 2-3 minutes on both sides until you get a golden-brown color
  • Have the peanut butter French toast while they’re still warm for the best taste. 

Peanut Butter Side Effects and Precautions

While there are many benefits of peanut butter, learn about its side effects too. It is always better to have peanut butter in moderation. If you have a peanut allergy, peanut butter is a big no as it may cause fatal reactions. In some cases, peanut allergies may result in breathlessness and skin rashes. As peanuts are rich in phosphorous, taking high quantities may prevent your body from absorbing other vital minerals like iron and zinc. Since peanut butter is a high-calorie spread, excess consumption can result in weight gain. While it is a healthy option, it is important for you to keep track of your peanut butter consumption.

Thanks to these peanut butter benefits, you can also lower the risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes [4]. This butter also helps regulate cholesterol and blood sugar, and promotes bone health. Although a great addition to your diet, note the disadvantage of peanut butter. Unless consumed in moderation, it can lead to health hazards like allergy and obesity. To get proper advice, log in to Bajaj Finserv Health and book an online doctor consultation with a dietician or nutritionist. This way you can learn more about peanut butter health benefits and incorporate it smartly in your diet!

Published on 13 Oct 2021Last updated on 6 Oct 2022

Please note that this article is solely meant for informational purposes and Bajaj Finserv Health Limited (“BFHL”) does not shoulder any responsibility of the views/advice/information expressed/given by the writer/reviewer/originator. This article should not be considered as a substitute for any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your trusted physician/qualified healthcare professional to evaluate your medical condition. The above article has been reviewed by a qualified doctor and BFHL is not responsible for any damages for any information or services provided by any third party.


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