Safety Measures For Employees

General Health | 3 min read

Safety Measures For Employees

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Key Takeaways

  1. Workplaces and offices in few areas after the commencement of Unlock 1.0 have started to reopen
  2. This is what you need to do before, during and after office hours
  3. Do not go to the office if you feel sick or if you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19

Workplaces and offices in few areas after the commencement of Unlock 1.0 have started to reopen even though the COVID-19 cases continue to rise. Many professionals don’t have comforts of work from home. Safety measures for these people are of grave concern as the pandemic continues to be in existence. The offices are taking measures for sanitization and thermal scanning at the entry points, but it’s an individual’s duty and the necessity to take special measures for self-protection. Here are a few things one should take care of:

Before leaving home

  1. Never forget to sanitize hands and wear a mask before stepping out.
  2. Always carry tissues/hand towel, hand-sanitizer, paper soap/soap bar for personal use. It is best to avoid sharing these things.
  3. Carry the required stationery and cutlery including water bottles, mugs, plates etc. Also, don’t forget to have your mobile charger and power bank handy to avoid borrowing it from someone.
  4. Commuting by personal vehicle is preferred. Sanitize the door handle of the car or handle and the seat of your two-wheeler before use.
Additional Read: Critical care measures to take for COVID-19

safety precautions for covid 19

On reaching office

  1. Follow the office rules & guidelines, by sanitizing your hands before entering. Few places have started thermal scanning at the entry points.
  2. If your office requires a signature or digital entry, don’t forget to sanitize immediately after as these are the most frequent touch-points.
  3. It is best to take the stairs if possible, as it is easier to maintain social distance. Avoid touching the walls and rails. If lift needs to be taken, do not touch the lift buttons with bare hands; use a tooth-pick or a tissue instead to press the required floor button. Dispose of the object once used. Make sure there is enough distance maintained between you and other possible users. Also, everyone should be wearing a mask.
  4. Before touching your workstation, disinfect the areas with the help of your sanitizer.
  5. Avoid shaking hands with people. Maintain at least 6 feet distance from your colleagues and keep a social distance during meetings or breaks.
  6. It is best to carry your food and sit alone while having it.
  7. If you happen to touch any doorknob or handles, sanitize your hands or wash them immediately.
  8. Public hygiene should also be maintained. Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing.
  9. Wash your hands properly for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your face. Wearing your mask throughout office hours is recommended.
Additional Read: Changes to Expect In Your Workplace Post Lockdown

Back home

  1. Follow the same measures as mentioned before while taking lift/stairs, and disinfecting the car/ two-wheeler handle and seats.
  2. On reaching home, sanitize your hands immediately before touching anything. Go for a bath and set laundry separately.
  3. Disinfect your mobile along with other things you carried to the office.

employee safety measures for covid 19

Do not go to the office if you feel sick or if you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 like fever, difficulty in breathing, cough or sore throat. It is imperative to take the required safety measures to keep yourself and your family protected. A healthy you means a healthy workplace and a healthy family.

In case of any doubts, consult a doctor, online, on Bajaj Finserv Health. Locate a covid-specialist near you in minutes. View doctors’ years of experience, consulting hours, fees and more before booking an e-consult or in-person appointment. Apart from facilitating appointment booking, Bajaj Finserv Health also offers health plans for your family, medicine reminders, healthcare information and discounts from select hospitals and clinics.

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