Booking inPune - 411005
Discover the best diagnostic Centres in Hyderabad for your healthcare needs and explore the top diagnostic Centres near you for accurate and timely lab tests and imaging services.
Potassium, Spot Urine
Also Known as Urine Potassium
Redcliffe Labs
3 Labs
Albert Stain (Diphtheria)
Also Known as Diphtheria identification by Alber't Stain
Redcliffe Labs
Complete Hemogram (CBC with ESR)
Also Known as Hemogram, CBC with ESR
35 Labs
Amylase enzymatic, Serum
Also Known as Amy Test, Serum Amylase, Amylopsin Test
Redcliffe Labs
20 Labs
ASO titre, Serum
Also Known as Antistreptolysin O titer (ASO)
Thyrocare Technologies Limited
17 Labs
Hepatitis C Virus-Rapid Card
Also Known as HCV Card Test, HCV Rapid Test
Redcliffe Labs
14 Labs