Signs of Depression: 3 Major Facts That You Should Know

Dr. Vishal  P Gor

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Vishal P Gor


5 min read


Signs of depression occur due to persisting triggers and past experiences. Usually similar in both men and women, depression symptoms help your therapist detect origins and offer the best treatment.

Key Takeaways

  • Signs of depression affect your normal activities in day-to-day life
  • There’s a high risk of the prevalence of symptoms of depression in women
  • Therapy and anti-depressants can help you deal with the signs of depression

The signs of depression are generally reflected in your feelings, thoughts, and behavior. If you have depression, also referred to as a major mood disorder, you may experience a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. You may even experience a number of emotional and physical problems, such as having trouble doing daily activities. These issues may eventually affect your ability to function and live a fruitful life.

An important thing to remember about signs of depression is that although there are common signs, they depend on your age and gender. Read on to know the different signs of depression so you can address your emotional wellness by working on therapy and reducing triggers.

What are the Different Signs of Depression? 

You may experience different signs of depression during your day, which are referred to as episodes. Depression symptoms include:

  • Sadness and feelings of hopelessness  
  • Sleep disorders like insomnia or the urge to sleep during the day 
  • Feeling irritated or agitated over small issues 
  • No interest in daily activities and being unproductive 
  • Loss of appetite or sudden cravings that lead to excess weight gain 
  • Feeling restless and anxious frequently and for long durations  
  • Inability to process things fast and react accordingly 
  • Concentrating on past failures and feeling a sense of guilt persistently 
  • Recurring thoughts of suicide 
  • Inability to decide and remember things 
  • Severe headaches and back pain

By taking note of these symptoms, your therapist can better understand what type of depression you may have.

how to treat depression at home

Types of Depression

There are a few common types of depression seen in young to older adults as follows.  

1. Psychotic Depression

The signs of depression for this type include delusional thoughts that impact a person’s beliefs. Random hallucinations make it tough to grasp reality and behave accordingly.  

2. Persisting Depressive Disorder

This is also known as dysthymia and remains for a long time with the common signs of depression.  

3. Bipolar Disorder

Going between extreme moods or excitement are the main depression symptoms in this type. In severe cases, it is associated with multiple personality disorder that requires clinical treatment.  

4. Minor Depressive Disorder

Individuals show similar signs of depression but are less severe and curable with proper therapy.

Additional Read: Multiple Personality Disorder

Symptoms of Depression in Women 

Studies suggest that women may experience depressive symptoms more than men due to social factors. Societal differences impact their lifetime, from education to maintain their career. The common symptoms of depression in women are similar to the general signs of depression and include the following.

  • Increased irritability and anxiety  
  • Loss of interest in normal activities with no sense of pleasure 
  • Weight loss due to lack of appetite 
  • Extreme sense of guilt leading to self-blame 
  • Overwhelming thoughts on death with feelings of hopelessness 
  • A sudden burst of tears without any particular reason 
  • Sleeping issues

Women may suffer from health issues related to depression that are associated with hormonal changes in their bodies [1]. These include the following.  

  • PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder): This is a chronic condition with the prevalence of bloating, sadness, anger, feeling low, muscle pain, thoughts of attempting suicide, and soreness in the breasts. 
  • Menopausal depression: There are hormonal changes in your body that can make you feel depressed, lose interest in the surrounding activities, anxious and irritable. These signs of depression occur during the transition from the menstruating phase to menopause.  
  • Postpartum depression: This is also referred to as perinatal depression as it occurs when a woman is going through pregnancy or after delivery.  
Signs of Depression

Signs of Depression in Men 

Men and women, irrespective of their gender, experience similar signs of depression, but few are specific to men, such as: 

  • Sense of being aggressive and showing anger 
  • Not being able to enjoy pleasurable activities 
  • Loss of desire and interest 
  • Feeling incapable in terms of work and family 
  • Getting tired and the inability to sleep well  
  • Feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities  
  • Increased alcohol consumption or engaging with other addictions 
  • Self-isolating from close family or friends  
  • Having indigestion, headaches, and muscle cramps [2]

As per a study, the causes of these signs of depression in men are a cumulative effect of a few factors that include the following.  

  • Inheriting genes from parents or relatives with depression 
  • Experiencing stress regarding personal life and professional situations like struggling with financial security, career dissatisfaction, or any changes that trigger the signs of depression in men  
  • Other acute health illnesses like heart problems, neural diseases, and diabetes; medicines prescribed to treat these illnesses have side effects that can influence depression.

Additional Read: Ways to Manage Anxiety and Depression 

Depression is a major cause of mental disability worldwide, affecting 5% of adults. It is important to notice the signs of depression and get effective treatment at the earliest because of its long-term effects. Your treatment for depression may vary depending on your mental health. It may include some mindfulness techniques and sessions with psychiatrists to help you cope and get better.

Psychotherapies like cognitive behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy are common treatment options for depression. In some cases, your doctor may also prescribe antidepressants in your treatment plan. These are also prescribed by a psychiatrist to treat depression.

It is important to remember that there’s no fixed cure for depression. Your therapist may combine different approaches to create a plan that works the best for you. If you notice any signs of depression in yourself or your loved ones, book an appointment on the Bajaj Finserv Health website or app without delay. Get doctor consultation online or offline with top psychiatrists in your vicinity. Talking with them can help you find better ways to protect your emotional wellness and make it a priority.

Published on 12 Aug 2022Last updated on 23 Mar 2023

Please note that this article is solely meant for informational purposes and Bajaj Finserv Health Limited (“BFHL”) does not shoulder any responsibility of the views/advice/information expressed/given by the writer/reviewer/originator. This article should not be considered as a substitute for any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your trusted physician/qualified healthcare professional to evaluate your medical condition. The above article has been reviewed by a qualified doctor and BFHL is not responsible for any damages for any information or services provided by any third party.

Dr. Vishal  P Gor

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Vishal P Gor

, MBBS 1 Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhuj, Diploma in Psychiatry 2

Dr.Vishal P Gor Consultant Psychiatrist And Sexologist specialist Of Sexual Dysfunction, Deaddiction, Mental Health Related Issues.Coauthor Of Original Scientific Research Article On Knowledge And Attitudes Toward Schizophrenia Among High School Adolescents Published In National Journal Annals Of Indian Psychiatry.Conduction Of Camps In Peripheral Parts Of Gujarat With Blind Peoples Association he Owns Vidvish Neuropsychiaty Clinic In Gota, Ahmedabad Since 2 Years.He Has Expertise In Treating Sexual Dysfunctions Like Performance Anxiety, Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction, Fertility Related Issues, Foreskin Related Issues.He First Do Detailed Evaluation Of Patients Issues And According To That Try To Cure Issues Permanently And Without Any Major Side Effects From Medicine.


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